Ordinarily, in terms of Halloween ideas, we wouldn’t push you to carve a Halloween pumpkin in a smaller caliber. But look, oranges work just as well as those great big pumpkins and this is a way to decorate your home for the holiday in a more sophisticated way…
Halloween Orange Lantern
materials: 1 orange + 1 tea light + small sharp knife + small bowl + kitchen towels
Wash an orange thoroughly and dry it. Draw a face on it with a very thin pen. Keep it simple and not too large as you have only a little space to work with. Don’t draw your face too high because you will need to use the top later to make a hole to put your tea light inside.

Use the knife to cut all the drawn lines. Keep kitchen towels handy as juice will start to leak.

Cut off the top of the orange in a zigzag pattern. Remove it and with the help of the knife dig out all the insides of the orange. Work over a bowl so you can save the contents and drink it later.

Cut a small hole in the middle of the top. The hole will serve as a chimney.

Place a tea light inside the orange and fit the top back on (matching up the zigzags). Make it the only light in the room and enjoy lovely citrus fragrance filling your space.